The Origin and History of Prelit Christmas Trees

For those who love the beauty of prelit Christmas trees, they are not alone! However, most people do not realize where the idea of prelit Christmas trees came about. The idea of having lights on trees is not something new. In fact, it can be traced back several hundreds of years in which people would once put candles onto trees in an effort to light these up in their homes. However, this also posed a danger. Often times, a person would only light these candles if they were sitting right there to avoid these trees catching on fire. You will find that when people used candles they were using real trees, which if they became too dry would immediately be a fire threat.

It wasn’t until 1895, that miniature lights were created. Up until this time, there are were tons of tree lights that were experimental to say the least. However, despite these lights becoming a reality, there were still many people who were unsure about using electrical lights on trees. They feared that they would cause fires, that they would electrocute people, and the like.

Advantages of Using Prelit Christmas Trees

Now, these prelit Christmas trees are completely safe to use. They are designed in a way that eliminates the problem of one light burning out and the entire string going out, which is great for those who want something simple. No one wants to spend their time going through each light to find the culprit for the entire string being unlit.

Is one of these prelit trees the right option for you? Most people find that they most definitely are. If you are looking for something that is going to allow you to set up the tree and already have the lights on these ready to go, then you cannot go wrong. In addition, people find that it saves a ton of time when compared to having to put lights onto these trees which often involved having to untangle these lights and get these strung onto the tree.

For many people, putting up their prelit trees are going to be the first thing that they do to usher in the Christmas season. They use different themes each year, since almost anything will go with these prelit trees. All in all, you cannot go wrong with one of these trees and you can appreciate the fact that you are no longer having to sit candles onto these trees to light these up!