How to Keep Your Pets Safe and Your Flocked Christmas Tree Intact

For pet owners throughout the world, when Christmas rolls around, pets are ready to make a mess! Most everyone can agree that no matter the age or the type of pet, flocked Christmas trees are something that attracts pets to them like none other. Pets are naturally inquisitive with just about everything that you have in your home, so the flocked Christmas trees that you put up are not going to be any difference…pets want to get in on this.

With this being said, how can you keep pets out of your flocked Christmas trees? Here are some ideas that many pet owners have used!

Effective Strategies for Keeping Pets Away from Flocked Christmas Trees

1. Do not hang anything on the lower branches as this makes cats and dogs want to play with it.

2. Consider putting up baby gates around the tree to keep pets out of it completely. You will find that this may not stop all the pets out there, but it can stop some.

3. Make sure that you tell your pets that the tree is a no-no. You will find that if you reiterate to your pet that they cannot bother the tree, they will get it that this is not something to mess with.

4. Spray some deterrent spray around the tree where it is stationed, as this can help with pets who want to mark their territory, including your tree.

5. Do not place this tree in an area that your pet views as their own. Such as where their bed is or the like, as this just putting temptation in their face!

Pets are going to be curious. However, as a pet owner you should know what to expect. Do your best to keep your tree from being knocked over or damaged by your pet, and don’t let this hold you back from decorating a beautiful tree this year.